The Religious Education Program at St. John the Evangelist provides Catholic Faith Formation to children from First Grade through Confirmation. Our mission is to encourage our students to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God our Father. We work to promote the teachings of Sacred Scripture and expand their knowledge of the teachings and traditions of our great Catholic Faith.
We will have special events throughout the year to help develop a closer relationship with God and our Christian community. Our goal remains to proclaim the Good News in every lesson and to ensure that your child understands that Jesus loves us and He died for us. He is always with us even during these extremely trying times. Classes will begin in September 2024 and our program ends April 2025
We are called to foster the knowledge and understanding of our Catholic faith and inspire our students to celebrate, learn and share our faith in God. Most importantly, we want your children to understand that they are a child of God and He love them very much.
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. . . for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14
God Bless,
Mary Thon Kathryn Neuffer
Director Assistant Director
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Lifelong Faith Formation Program
Confirmation Year 1 and 2 - There is a Mandatory Parent and student meeting on September 10, 2024.
Welcome to St. John the Evangelist Faith Formation website! Within it you will find information regarding the focus and mission of our ministry. It is a teaching ministry that witnesses to children, adults and families on what it means to be a Catholic Christian in the 21st century. Our primary mission is to support our parishioners and families as they form a lifelong committment to learn about and deepen their the Catholic faith.
There are many volunteers who make this program possible. They are the stewards of this program – sharing their time, talent, and their treasure each according to his/her own measure. It is our hope that in working together we might bring our children and youth to an understanding of how God is present in our lives each day.
For more information about our Youth Religious Education, as well as our adult and family programs please call us at (630) 837-6500 ext.152 or email Mary Thon at [email protected].
As a family participating in our Religious Education Program, we ask that you enter into a covenant agreement with this parish that you will strive to make the faith formation of every member of your family a priority through the following actions:
Being a Catholic is a lifestyle that centers on the person of Jesus Christ and his Church. It is important to remember that while we are here to help your children learn about God; we also understand that our time with them is limited. It is within family life that children learn to apply their Catholic faith to everyday events. We as educators and you as parents are partners in bringing your children to God.
May we always be guided by the Holy Spirit and the love of the Father, as we and our children continue on our journey of faith to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Children preparing to celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist for the first time are to have completed two consecutive years of formal Religious Education in our parish program or Catholic school.
In addition to regular classes our First Eucharist Program consists of family meetings, retreat days, and special liturgies.
For additional information contact the Office of Religious Education.
Children preparing to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation
begin their studies in 7th grade and celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in Eighth Grade.
Prior to 7th grade, children should have completed 6 years of Religious Education and made their First Communion and Reconciliation.
For additional information contact the Office of Religious Education.
Making faith relevant to young people in today’s materialistic, fast-paced culture is the challenge of the church of today. God never changes. His ways remain firm forever. That does not translate well into a culture of teens whose only role models are celebrities whose popularity is always changing and whose values reflect only the worst of modern culture. The goal of our Confirmation program is to break through all the “noise” and help young people hear the truth of God, and to help them to understand that Confirmation is a public commitment to a life of witness to Christ and service to others.
As part of the Confirmation program at St. John’s, in addition to their required events and classes Confirmation students are also asked to:
1. Choose a Sponsor -- Sponsor form Due Date -- October 8, 2024
2. Choose a Confirmation Name -- Confirmation Saints Report Due -- January 21, 2025
3. Commit to Service -- Service Hours Forms Due -- February 18, 2025
We believe that the family is the visible model of the Church and through its everyday events children learn the meaning of belonging, forgiving, and serving. The love within the family forms the basis for the child’s understanding of who God is as Father, Son, and Spirit.
It is the responsibility of the parish community to build on that understanding so that all within the family may mature in a faith that is not only celebrated in the local Church but extends beyond to an understanding of the Universal Church and their place in it.
It is our hope and prayer that together as parents, catechists, and aides, we can continue to awaken and nourish the gift of faith each child is given at his/her Baptism.
Registration for Faith Formation is now open. For information please contact the Religious Education office at 630-837-6500.
One Child - $300
Two Children - $400
Three or more Children - $500
First Eucharist/Reconciliation - $60
Confirmation Year 1 - $80
Confirmation Year 2 - $150
If you are in need of financial assistance, please call the Office of Religious Education at (630) 837-6500 and arrangements will be made to meet with you to discuss your situation. Children need continuous faith formation as they mature and explore their relationship with Jesus and His Church.